diablo 3 what to do with extra legendaries

A Legendary item in Diablo 3

A Legendary Detail is a fifth (orange) level of particular quality in Diablo III, much similar in terms of rarity to Unique Items from Diablo II. On many occasions, items of that quality are also called Legendary Items, or "Legendaries" (often abbreviated to "legos" or "legs", non to exist dislocated with leg-slot pants). They are among the strongest and rarest items in Diablo III.


  • 1 General Info
    • one.1 Diablo Immortal
    • i.ii Diablo IV
  • ii Acquiring
  • iii Crafting
  • 4 Ancient Legendary Items
    • iv.i Primal Ancient Legendary Items
      • 4.1.one Development
  • 5 Gallery
  • half dozen References

Full general Info

Unlike Rare Items,Legendary Items can have affixes that normally are not allowed on that blazon of item (for example,Increased Movement Speed on Chest Armor). Many of them have re-rollable or not-re-rollable affixes that are unique to that item (for instance, Azurewrath damages and periodically knocks away Demon and Undead enemies in shut proximity of the bearer). Normal affixes on Legendary Items will whorl significantly higher (and sometimes extremely high even compared to other Legendary Items) and amount to more than than those on regular items of similar levels. Withal, still, some Legendary Items are a little chip more than than glorified "Rares", able to boast no unusual stats nor affixes. Over fourth dimension, such Legendaries are replaced, gaining new names, descriptions and backdrop, while older variants become Legacy.

Legendary Affixes on items are orange in color, with numbers that may coil in some interval (if any) highlighted inbluish. Instance (Winter Flurry):

  • Enemies killed by Cold impairment have a 15–xx% run a risk to release a Frost Nova

Orange affixes are e'er Secondary, then they do not compete with Primary attributes of an item. Most of these affixes can be extracted into Kanai's Cube.

All legendary items dropped since patch ii.0 are Business relationship Bound, to an extent. The item will be tradeable for the side by side 2 hours of gameplay to whatsoever histrion that was in the aforementioned game when the item was dropped. After two hours of gameplay, the item will be bound to the player's account permanently. Legendary items become business relationship bound immediately if they are enchanted.

Equally of patch 2.0., a Legendary item can drop at any level equal to or above its minimum level, with stats corrected accordingly. Craftable Legendary items sometimes accept two recipes (normal and max-level), each of which needs to be obtained separately. All items with minimum level of 61 or higher crave access to Reaper of Souls, although players can merchandise them to archetype players if these items roll an affix that lowers the level requirements.

Fix Items are, essentially,Legendary Items which come up with boosted bonuses for wearing more than ane piece of the aforementioned set. In render, Set Items very rarely have unique affixes.

Note that all Legendary Rings and One-Handed Weapons are Unique-Equipped, meaning that a character can simply equip ane item of each blazon at a time, and even if the player manages to find two Stone of Jordan Rings, the graphic symbol tin notwithstanding simply take i equipped. However the only exception to this is that a character tin can yet equip a pre-loot 2.0 version of that same item along with a post-boodle ii.0 version of the very aforementioned item. This brake was washed to prevent characters from being as well powerful; to name an instance, a Barbaric dual-wielding two Thunderfury Swords would cause massive Lightning Damage wherever the player went, peculiarly if he or she was a fast-hitting grapheme. The same dominion applies to the Kanai'south Cube "Powers Collection".

Legendary Gems and Legendary Potions be in-game equally well, in add-on to Legendary Equipment, that is to say.

Diablo Immortal

Legendary Items render in Diablo Immortal. They alter the thespian's skills.[ane]

Diablo 4

In Diablo Iv,Legendary Items will be having an equal or even greater power level compared to that ofFix Items in mentioned game.[2]


Legendaries tin be dropped by monsters, chests, and destructibles. They cannot be constitute in shops (except Kadala's gambling store). Some tin can but exist obtained by crafting, and only after finding/buying the respective jeweler or blacksmith plan. Some legendaries (typically those with minimum level of lxx) can only be establish in Torment, while others can only be found in Horadric Caches, and only if the cache was obtained from a specific Act. The Torment-exclusive legendaries cannot exist found in Horadric Caches.

When a legendary is first found, it is unidentified. The player can place it by correct-clicking it. If the player has multiple unidentified legendaries, information technology may be quicker to travel to town and use the Volume of Cain. The stats for the item are created at the time it is spawned, not when it is identified. Information technology tin can have betwixt six and vii magical backdrop, rarely more than.

The first fourth dimension a character level 1-59 kills an human activity boss, it is guaranteed to drop at least one legendary item. In one case the game is completed with that character, they can cull to "Reset Quests". Doing and so volition once more guarantee one legendary item for the first kill of each act boss. One time a character reaches level 60 or higher, only Malthael volition driblet a guaranteed legendary detail. If the player does non have Reaper of Souls, this guaranteed drop moves to Diablo.

Each level of Torment difficulty increases the gamble of a legendary to drop past one.fifteen^Due north, Due north being the level of Torment.[3] Nephalem Rifts as well increment the driblet rate of legendaries, stacking multiplicatively with other modifiers.

As of the pre-expansion patch, Diablo III besides provides a bonus to the legendary drop chance for players who have non establish a legendary in a while. This has been intended for the unluckiest of players; without this, they might accept been unable to finish their quest in an efficient timeframe, even on lower difficulty settings. This bonus requires that the player spend his/her time killing monsters, simply it does increase over fourth dimension, in an attempt to give all players at least some legendaries. The bonus is reset when a actual legendary detail, not plans or material, is dropped for that player. The bonus is even reset if the player is not near it when information technology drops, such as when the player is in town selling items and some other player in their party is out killing monsters.[4]

Two items dropped in one place. Rare luck. Annotation the minimap icons.

Upon dropping, each Legendary item produces a distinctive sound and shows a star icon on the minimap. Each particular will likewise be highlighted with a colonnade of brilliant light, so it is really hard to miss it.


When salvaged, Legendary items will award one Forgotten Soul each. Crafting level 70 Legendary items volition crave two Horadric Cache materials each.

Craftable Legendary items, unlike the normal Legendary items, laurels no Forgotten Souls, but rather one Reusable Parts, 1 Cabalistic Dust and one Veiled Crystal.

Ancient Legendary Items

Instance of Aboriginal Legendary conversion of Lut Socks

Ancient Items are a special tier of items introduced in patch two.one.ii. These are identical to level 70 Legendary items, except that base attributes (damage or armor) and all affixes gyre +xxx-33.3% higher values for both minimum and maximum possible rolls.

Any level 70 Legendary or Gear up item dropped on Torment I difficulty or higher from any source will have a hazard to be an Ancient item, with the chance increasing on college levels of Torment (roughly 10% at Torment X). An item gambled from Kadala, crafted past artisans or transmuted in the Kanai's Cube will always have a 10% chance to be Ancient, unless specifically stated otherwise.

The item interface will accept a bright golden trimming to testify that the detail is Aboriginal.

Examples of affix stat ranges:

  • 416-500 becomes 500-650
  • 626-750 becomes 750-1000
  • 981-1490 becomes 1200-1940

Aboriginal items are not a separate item tier; that is, Aboriginal Set up items can be combined with usual Set items, and one cannot equip both Legendary and Ancient Legendary versions of the same ane-handed weapon or ring.

An Ancient item's increased rolls simply affect base values that are expressed as absolute numbers; values expressed in % (such as Critical Hit Chance or increased damage dealt by skills) are non improved. Values related to resources (such as increased maximum Cabalistic Power) or yards are as well not afflicted.

When linked in chat, to distinguish them, Ancient items will announced as {[Item Name]} while an ordinary Legendary is displayed every bit [Item Name].

The Legacy of Nightmares Set gives a meaning damage and protection bonus for each Ancient item the thespian has equipped, just but as long as no other ready bonuses are active.

As of patch ii.iv, one tin empower an Ancient Item via Kanai's Cube: sacrificing a Legendary Jewel of high rank will grant +five primary attribute bonus per rank to the Aboriginal particular of actor's choice.

Equally of patch 2.5, save rewards 3 Forgotten Souls for each Ancient Item.

Primal Ancient Legendary Items

Primal items in patch 2.five.0

Every bit of patch 2.five.0, each Ancient Legendary or Set item has a much lower chance to drop as a Key particular. This unlocks when any character on an account successfully beats a rank lxx Greater Rift in solo. Drops are unlocked for all characters of the same type, so Normal/Seasonal and Softcore/Hardcore characters must unlock them separately.

This does not count as unlike quality, and does not provide further increase to stat ranges of an item compared to Aboriginal items. Instead, all stats on the particular (including variables in the legendary affixes) will gain perfect values: maximum possible numbers of the Ancient stat ranges. Salvaging a Primal particular yields 15 Forgotten Souls.

Primal item beam marker in red

Perfect rolls bear on every affix including Primary, Secondary, and Legendary, putting them to ideal value (whether that ways the maximum or minimum value). Items do NOT align affixes to better fit class or build (they are nevertheless random), however:

  • They will always drop with the advisable main stat for the character's class (100% take chances to trigger Smart Loot)
  • Armor items will always have the platonic number of sockets for that item (the maximum possible number, and guaranteed at least one, if whatever are bachelor). However, to allow utilize of Ramaladni'due south Gift on a weapon, Fundamental weapons roll with no sockets.
  • Options for Enchanting Primal items are likewise guaranteed to be optimal rolls.

Central Ancients can drop from any source of Legendary item in the game, including Horadric Caches, Kadala, and Kanai's Cube, but only after having completed at least a level 70 Greater Rift. This requirement must just exist completed in one case per game mode (Hardcore vs. Non-Hardcore, or Seasonal vs. Non-Seasonal), which ways that for Seasonal characters it will reset with every Season. However, once that requirement has been met, all characters in that game style will benefit from information technology.


Visually, a Central particular has a rich blood reddish ornament in place of the usual orangish. As of Patch 2.vi.4, Central Legendaries are marked past a red beam when they drop and indicated by a scarlet pentagram icon on the mini-map. They also have a blood-red border and updated background on their icons in the player's stash.[five]


These items were added for the about defended players, and so that there would exist a articulate progression track beyond augmenting Ancient Legendary items or completing the Flavour Journey.

Originally, Primal items were supposed to have stat ranges even higher than those of Aboriginal items; this thought was scrapped and replaced with perfect rolls.



  1. 2019-11-01, Diablo Immortal Update. Blizzard Entertainment, accessed on 2019-11-17
  2. Kim, David (2019, November 2). "Diablo 4: Systems & Features". Video. Retrieved on 2019-11-02.
  3. Blizzard Amusement. 2014-04-09.Upcoming Loot Hotfixes - Forums - Diablo III Blizzard Entertainment Accessed 2014-04-10.
  4. Blizzard Entertainment 2014-04-14. Loot Drops In Groups Might Exist Bewitched (Blue Req) - Forums - Diablo Iii. Blizzard Amusement accessed 2014-04-xv.
  5. Blizzard Entertainment. (2018, November xix). Patch 2.6.four PTR Preview. Blizzard Entertainment. Accessed 2018-xi-20.


Source: https://diablo.fandom.com/wiki/Legendary_Items

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