before manager kim can begin the mbo process with her associates, what step needs to be taken first?

MBO Definition: A strategic or managerial model that defines articulate and concise objectives that are accepted by management and employees to ameliorate the performance of the system is called MBO or management by objectives. There are 6 steps in the process of MBO that we are going to discuss in detail in this article.

To reach greater efficiency and functioning, employee motivation is really important to have and Direction by Objectives (MBO) is the best approach to do and then.

This arroyo was start proposed by Peter Drucker in 1954, and by definition, the procedure of management by objectives show a personnel direction organisation, where the organization gear up, plan, monitor and achieve specific objectives with the mutual cooperation of both high level and low-level employees.

Understanding the Concept of MBO?

Notation: If y'all are looking for steps of the process of MBO then yous can skip this part and jump to the MBO process steps. Only I would recommend reading the consummate commodity because MBO is a term that is, sometimes, confused by some people. For instance, some people take MBO equally an assessment tool, some take it every bit a planning and controlling technique, while the others accept it as a motivational technique.

That's why I recommend reading the full commodity to understand the concept of MBO fully.

Permit's get dorsum to the topic and define management past objectives.

None of the organizations or companies can sustain for a longer time if they don't ascertain clear and achievable goals. Defining objectives is not enough, an organisation also needs a mechanism to implement and monitor those objectives while keeping their employees motivated and a channel of communication always opened.

Fortunately, we take this framework called MBO (Management past Objectives).

In management past objective, also known as direction by planning or management by results, approach employees and managers work together to set realistic and achievable organizational goals for a specified period of time.

During this time, managers evaluate the actual performance by comparison information technology against the defined objectives to see how far their employees accept performed. In MBO, superiors advantage employees rather than punishment.

It means the primal thought of MBO is that it helps the employee to abound their skills while increasing the performance of the organization. Through this approach, managers can go along their employees motivated and committed to the work by rewarding them.

In the MBO approach, employees go feedback on daily basis rather than at the finish of the piece of work. This method ensures that employees and managers have a skillful channel of communication.

This channel of communication is very vital for the success of the organisation because employees can perform better simply when they get articulate and achievable objectives direct from the top management. So trained managers are appointed over those employees to implement those divers objectives.

The nearly important part of MBO that makes it successful is monitoring and evaluating the progress against the objectives.

Information: MBO focuses on effectiveness rather than the efficiency of an organization. In other words, quality of operation rather than speed. This makes MBO a result-oriented framework.

In this approach, the piece of work is divided into smaller units to make employees comfy while finishing them.

Let me present this whole concept in simpler words.

MBO is a management organization where managers, subordinates, and employees work together to define clear and achievable objectives for an entity to make it successful.

According to Peter Drucker'due south theory, when employees are involved in setting the organization's goals, they participate fully and information technology keeps them motivated because they get a articulate action program with a conspicuously defined target to hunt.

This is how the concept of MBO works in simple words.

But it doesn't stop here. We still have to explore a lot about MBO and the steps in the process of MBO . Nosotros will besides cover the advantages and disadvantages of MBO, types of objectives, and real-life examples, etc. So, keep reading.

Elements of Direction past Objectives

Note: These are general elements of MBO, not the steps of MBO. We will cover the steps in the procedure of MBO before long.

1. Goals

Goals are the near important and primal elements of the MBO management process. They are set for all contributors of the organization including managers, employees, CEO, squad leaders, and other contributors.

They brand them all responsible for their part of contribution and everybody in the system has a sense of what he/she is supposed to do to fit into the big picture. It ways that there is no defoliation left and everybody knows their responsibilities.

2. Objectives

Objectives are also the most important elements of the MBO procedure. They are set for the arrangement or we can say for work. Objectives are the target that each contributor has to chase by using his/her goals.

Objectives also assist evaluate the functioning of contributors. If contributors have hands accomplished the objectives in a defined menstruum of time, then managers endeavor to make them challenging yet motivating to further improve their functioning.

iii. Performance Reviews

Performance reviews assistance managers to evaluate the weaknesses and strengths of their employees so they can open up a channel of advice to appreciate the performance or fix the errors. This chemical element also opens up brainstorming sessions for both managers and employees so they can fix the problems or modify the objectives (if possible).

Principles of MBO

The following are the nearly important principles of the MBO process.

  1. Focus on growth and development instead of failure and punishment.
  2. Open a channel of regular feedback instead of static weekly or monthly reports.
  3. Make objectives more than challenging but motivating every bit well for better results.
  4. Employees must involve while setting objectives for a detail entity.
  5. Brand operation-oriented reviews rather than speed-oriented. It means it is the functioning that counts.
  6. Focuses on goals rather than methods.

Features of MBO

After defining MBO, the principles of MBO, and how it works, we are at present able to list out the main features of the MBO system. Post-obit are the almost important features of the MBO.

  1. MBO is a philosophy, not a technique that provides a path to organizational success. Information technology means MBO is not just limited to a sure area, but it is a philosophy that fits every aspect of management.
  2. Managers and employees define the objectives of the organization or individuals by working together to set a target that is to be chased later.
  3. Later, these defined objectives become the scale of evaluation on which managers evaluate the performance of their employees.
  4. Every contributor has a clear sense of what he/she is supposed to practise.
  5. MBO defines what is to be achieved instead of how it is to be achieved.
  6. Information technology is a result-oriented managerial approach.

MBO Objectives

Although, nosotros ascertain objectives are the different steps in the process of MBO simply following are the full general types of objectives that we must know before involving in the MBO process. The 3 types of objectives are:

  1. Strategic Objectives – Board Related: These are the top-level objectives defined by superior direction of the organization. They are at the summit of the pyramid from where the flow of objectives starts.You lot tin say strategic objectives ascertain the bigger movie of the company and depict what the company is going to practise to reach its mission. Some examples of strategic objectives are:
    1. Launching new product
    2. Increasing sales of existing product
    3. Increment profitability
    4. Abound market shares
  2. Tactical Objectives – Team Related: These types of objectives work inside the organization. These objectives are set by a grouping of people or a team that is going to piece of work together to achieve a common goal.
  3. Operational Objectives – Individuals Related: Operational objectives are defined by an individual employee during objectives setting meetings. The employee sets these objectives according to his/her competencies and the available resources. As these objectives are prepare past individuals, therefore, these objectives vary from person to person. A department can also set up operational objectives for its operational staff.

Now finally we are prepare to discuss the steps in the procedure of MBO in detail.

Management past Objectives Procedure – Steps in the process of MBO

Process of MBO

Procedure of Management by Objectives – Step by Step Infographic

The procedure of MBO involves 6 central steps that incorporate managerial plans in such a systematic way, which is directly influenced by the efficient and effective achievement of individuals and organizational objectives.

In case y'all want to analyze the applied importance of Management past Objectives, then information technology is expert to summarize all the objectives of the system together with individual goals.

The 6 steps involved in the process of MBO are determining organizational goals, determining employees' objectives, constantly monitoring progress and performance, performance evaluation, providing feedback, and MBO performance appraisal.

The six steps of the MBO process are:

  1. Determining Organizational Goals
  2. Determining Employees' Objectives
  3. Constant Monitoring Progress and Operation
  4. Functioning Evaluation
  5. Providing Feedback
  6. The Operation Appraisement

Allow's now go into the depth of each step of MBO and find out what the procedure of MBO is really?

ane. Determining Organizational Goals – Setting Organizational Purpose

Determining Organizational Goals

In this moving picture: Top management working together

The very beginning step in the MBO process is defining organizational goals. These goals must be clear and concise and unlike kinds of managers must involve when settings goals. Goals can be either long-term goals or short-term goals.

These goals are concerned with organizational growth, turn a profit, and product, etc.

The unabridged evolution of an organization depends on the set goals. A goal is the most critical and necessary factor behind the effectiveness and efficiency of an organization, so it is of import to effectively manage set goals either single or many different kinds.

Before working on the gear up goals, the managers should decide organizational goals by aiming to create potential direction that must be capable of handling various kinds of goals easily.

Determining goals don't hateful creating goals, every bit the preliminary goals are fix past the tiptop-level supervisors based on in-depth analysis and judgment nigh what should exist accomplished and how to exercise so in a certain period.

Organizational goals transmit through different goal-setting sessions where all the contributors accept agreed upon. For example, starting time of all, the supervisor defines his goal and activity plan. And then he/she meets his/her subordinates and tells them the action plan and the goals.

Once subordinates concur upon the objectives and action plan of their supervisor, they so meet their workers and operating staff to explain the objectives and activeness programme.

George Odiorne says an MBO program is successful but when it effectively converts organizational goals into the organization's unit of measurement-oriented goals.

The characteristics of an ideal organizational goal must exist:

  1. Clear, curtailed, and without any confusion
  2. Challenging yet motivating for the works and operational staff
  3. Within the skills and competence of the operational unit
  4. Consistent throughout the goal-setting sessions

While defining organizational objectives, it is mandatory that you also do resources analyses so that the goals are realistic and achievable. Once goals are determined by supervisors or superlative management, then these goals must exist communicated through all channels to subordinates, operational staff, and all other levels.

Note: Organizational objectives or goals should not exist imposed or forced on subordinates or operational staff. Rather they must equally participate when establishing objectives and they must agree upon as well. This will make the subordinates committed to the goals.

In curt, the objective setting must exist according to the mnemonic S.M.A.R.T which means:

  1. Specific: The objective must conspicuously country the area of the arrangement that needs comeback south
  2. Measurable: Organizational goals must be ready in a way that afterwards they tin be measured by some kind of operation indicator.
  3. Agreed-Upon: It's important that the objectives are communicated to all levels and all levels must concord upon those objectives. Information technology means the objectives must be accustomed by 2 levels, those who created the objectives and those who are going to work and achieve objectives.
  4. Realistic: Objectives must exist realistic meaning that objectives are set past keeping the bachelor resources in mind and what can peradventure be achieved.
  5. Time-Bound: There must exist an end menstruum when the performance can exist measured or when the objectives must be fulfilled.

In short, while defining the objectives of the organization, a statement of purpose (SOP) must be articulate by knowing the answer to the following questions:

  • Why does the organization exist?
  • What are the goals?
  • What product or services does this organization offer?
  • Which domain this organization is going to deal with?

two. Determining Employees' Objectives – Developing Activity Plans

Determining Employees' Objectives

In this picture: Woman employee working on a laptop

After determining the organizational goals, the side by side step Is to set the individual's goals or more clearly employees' goals. It is the responsibility of the manager to ask employees about what goals they tin can reach inside a specific catamenia and what resources will they utilise to achieve those goals.

If needed, managers and employees can prioritize the goals from the most of import to the least important ones to make the goal chasing procedure piece of cake and in favor of the organization.

Basically, this step is an activeness plan for employees or this phase sets up performance objectives. This activity plan clearly states what is to be done, how is it to be done, and what is the path to achieving these goals?

Managers and subordinates or employees join to develop this action plan. This helps managers to set a progress monitoring indicator to see actual performance. Not only this, but the action plan also helps to identify the most efficient methods to attain the feasible goals.

This stride ends the planning phase of MBO considering, after this reviews, monitoring, feedback activities start.

In simple words, this step of MBO is a two-way process rather than 1-way. It ways superiors don't impose or forces these objectives on employees. Rather, superiors suggest these goals to employees and employees accept them or inquire for changes if available resources are not viable for sure objectives.

In elementary words, this pace of MBO is a 2-mode process rather than one-way. It means superiors don't impose or forces these objectives on employees. Rather, superiors suggest these goals to employees and employees accept them or ask for changes if available resources are not feasible for sure objectives.

In simple words, this step of MBO is a two-manner procedure rather than one-way. It means superiors don't impose or forces these objectives on employees. Rather, superiors suggest these goals to employees and employees accept them or enquire for changes if bachelor resources are not feasible for certain objectives.

3. Constant Monitoring Progress and Functioning

The procedure of MBO is not just set for providing additional effectiveness to managers across the organization, but it is also equally important for constantly monitoring the progress and performance of the employees.

Some of the of import things that tin can assistance managers to monitor operation and progress are:

  • Checking less-constructive or ineffective programs by performing a comparison of operation with already prepared objectives
  • Using ZBB (Nothing Based Budgeting)
  • For measuring plans and individuals, implementing MBO concepts
  • Defining short term and long term plans, objectives, and goals
  • Installing efficient and effective controls
  • Eventually, composing the completely sound construction of the system with all things at appropriate places such as responsibilities, decision making, and so on

In this stage, subordinates and superiors regularly acquit meetings to see the progress and performance.

In instance, if the employees are not performing well co-ordinate to the original action plans then firsthand remedial actions are taken to fix the bug. Not merely current problems are stock-still, but time to come weaknesses are also identified.

Another do good of monitoring is that information technology makes employees conscious that superiors are regularly monitoring their functioning for the action plan they agreed upon earlier. As a result, they piece of work towards achieving the defined objectives more efficiently.

4. Operation Evaluation

As per the basic concept of MBO, the performance evaluation comes nether the responsibility of concerned managers and is made by their participation. Go on in the mind, operation evaluation is i of the most important factors of the organization that tin help to operate sure objectives smoothly.

five. Providing Feedback – Performance Review

The psychologically influential factor of MBO is providing continuous feedback to employees regarding their functioning and individual goals so that they can monitor, correct, and extra improve their skills and mistakes.

Mostly, the feedback is provided in periodic meetings held past supervisors and their subordinates to review the performance and progress towards the achievement of goals. At one point, feedback helps individuals know their weaknesses.

While on the other hand, it also motivates already potential individuals to heighten and develop their performance additionally.

The main purpose of feedback is to place the deviations and shortcomings to improve the quality rather than focusing on criticism.

Feedback is provided in a contiguous coming together held by superiors for the subordinates. These feedback meetings are held at different intervals like 3 months, 6 months, or 9 months depending on the organization's structure.

Feedback not simply reviews the operation of subordinates only also checks if the objectives are still valid or if any modifications are required to make the objectives valid.

six. The Performance Appraisal – Recycling

Performance Appraisal

In this moving-picture show: Woman belongings a page of feedback

Functioning appraisals are the final step of the process of Management by Objectives. By definition, a day-past-day review of the employee's performance across the organisation can be chosen a operation appraisal.

Performance appraisal is associated with the term performance evaluation, only in some cases, both differ from each other.

At this step, rewards of MBO appraisal are decided for individuals based on their functioning. This helps motivate employees to work with more passion.

Not only appraisal but at the footstep new objectives are set or current objectives are modified (if needed) along with their approaches to meliorate the overall performance. This stage helps employees identify their areas of excellence and weaknesses.

It means MBO helps employees and superiors in career advancement, skill comeback, and self-improvement.

Later on this stage, the whole cycle repeats itself with clear feedback for the next steps. This reward or review gives a clear bulletin to all employees that the difficult work and goal achievement has been valued and then that they can also put their eye into the work. This works not only for employees merely likewise for all levels of the arrangement.

When reviewing or appraising, superiors must proceed the post-obit points in mind:

  1. As MBO objectives are measurable, attainable, and fourth dimension-bound, the performance of an employee must be evaluated based on these criteria and it should exist straightforward.
  2. Equally MBO goals are unlike for each employee based on his/her competencies, therefore, the evaluators evaluate their performance according to their competency and goals. Ane scale of performance evaluation tin can't work for all employees.
  3. Feedback or appraisal must be clear, accurate, and fair. Otherwise, there is no do good of MBO later on the whole MBO cycle.
  4. Feedback or appraisal must exist based on performance and results not based on failures or excuses. Notwithstanding, the manager must note the failures and excuses so they tin can set them in the time to come with appropriate corrective deportment.

There are various performance appraisal instruments that superiors can utilise to go along their employees motivated. Some tools functioning appraisal tools are:

  1. Ranking Method
  2. Confidential Reports
  3. Checklists
  4. Bars
  5. Paired Comparison
  6. Forced Distribution
  7. Performance Exam

Note: We will embrace the details of each tool in another commodity.

MBO Examples

And so far, we have discussed MBO, steps in the process of MBO, pros, and cons of MBO, principles, elements, and features of MBO in terms of theory. Let'due south now have a expect at some of the real-life examples of MBO to brand this concept fifty-fifty clearer and run into the effectiveness of MBO in business.

MBO Examples for Marketing

Some of the marketing examples for MBO are:

  1. Increasing unique organic traffic for a website
  2. Generating 500 new qualified leads per month
  3. Trying to increase marketing ROI by 10%
  4. Double social media followers
  5. Implementing A/B testing of landing pages of a service or product
  6. Increasing newsletter subscription

MBO Examples for Sales

Some of the sales examples for MBO are:

  1. Doubling the number of sales in the next 6 months
  2. Increasing the average sale price to $1000
  3. Increasing hotel bookings to 50 per calendar month

MBO Examples for Homo Resources

Some of the Hour examples for MBO are:

  1. Increasing employee satisfaction rate to 90%
  2. Increasing employee retention rate to eighty%
  3. Introducing internal preparation programs
  4. Go 20% hiring from employee's references

MBO Examples for Customer Service

Some of the client service examples for MBO are:

  1. Providing fantabulous support to premium customers
  2. Introducing a storage machinery for customer feedback
  3. Eliminating or reducing managers' intervention in customer support
  4. Increasing customer support capacity (perchance by building new customer service)

MBO Examples for Finance

Some of the finance examples for MBO are:

  1. Trying to increment share value by 3% in the next 6 months
  2. Increasing fiscal process automation by 15%
  3. Introducing a procedure to carry completely independent financial audits.

MBO Examples for Operations

Some of the operations examples for MBO are:

  1. Hire an contained operational consultant
  2. Generate one independent operational consulting written report quarterly
  3. Increasing product delivery on time past 50%
  4. Reducing product sources logistic expenditures
  5. Reducing product failure rates

Advantages and Disadvantages of MBO

Like any other management technique and approach, MBO has also its pros and cons. Some critiques say MBO works only for short terms while others say information technology is beneficial for long terms equally well.
The truth is MBO has both advantages and disadvantages depending on various situations. Let's have a look at both of them.

Advantages of MBO

Advantages of MBO

Advantages of MBO – Infographic

The major benefits of MBO are:

  1. Personalized Objectives: MBO allows employees to set up their personal objectives according to their competencies, skillset, and strengths. This allows cocky-growth and skill development.
  2. Responsibility: Every bit each working staff sets his/her objectives, it makes them responsible to reach their goals as they take set up their own goals. This sense of responsibility also brings royalty to the organisation.
  3. Communication: MBO opens a communication aqueduct between the top direction and the employees. This communication aqueduct allows to remove any ambiguities and makes the objectives crystal clear.
  4. Efficiency: As the MBO objectives are clear and time-jump, it helps meliorate productivity and the efficiency of the operational units.
  5. Continuous Support: Unlike other management techniques, MBO provides a mechanism of continuous support throughout the MBO bicycle. Mangers continuously provide feedback, reviews, guidance, and monitoring to remove any issue that arises in the working environment.
  6. Sense of Importance: Through proper appraisal and reward process, MBO gives the employees a sense of importance and realizes them that the organization values their work and they are an important asset to the house.
  7. Unity of Goals: MBO introduces a common goal throughout the organization which means unity of goals.
  8. Measurement of Functioning: MBO provides a mechanism for the measurement of performance for each private in the organization.
  9. Resources Optimization: MBO process helps resource optimization because merely those who are competent use but required resources. Information technology ways resources are allocated according to the goals.
  10. Articulate Expectations: Equally the objectives are measurable, accessible, and time-spring, it ways end goals and expectations are lucent from mean solar day one when goals are gear up.

Disadvantages of MBO

Disadvantages of MBO

Disadvantages of MBO – Infographic

The major limitations of MBO are:

  1. Goal Settings and Organizational Culture: Sometimes MBO seems express when information technology comes to goals settings. For example, what should be the nature of goals? Long-term or brusque-term? Quality-oriented or quality-oriented? Moreover, MBO focuses only on goals and objectives rather than the civilization of the organization.
  2. Time Consuming: The whole process of goal settings, appraisal, reviews, monitoring, and evaluation takes a lot of time and paperwork.
  3. Goals-Oriented: MBO focuses more on goals and objectives rather than the bodily action programme and a class of action.
  4. Faulty Evaluation Process: Sometimes managers effort to evaluate employees from their perspective and competencies rather than the employees' skillset. It ways there are chances that an incompetent managing director may involve in the evaluation procedure.
  5. Too Much Expectation: Sometimes managers look too much from the employees and treat employees like ideal employees without leaving any room for mistakes. This may lead to several issues and clashes between management and the working unit.
  6. Limited Growth: As the employees play a office to gear up goals as per their skill set. It leaves little room for self-growth because the employees, sometimes, are not willing to try out new and creative ideas rather they stick to quondam methodologies.
  7. Negative Contest: Although superiors reward employees for their efforts and goals accomplishment, it may create negative competition among the other employees where everyone tries to the best by hook or by crook.


Thus MBO (Management by Objectives) is an important managerial tool that helps organizations to align their employee's competencies with the objectives and goals of the arrangement so they can work to their fullest potential. The half-dozen steps in the process of MBO are:

  1. Determining Organizational Goals
  2. Determining Employees' Objectives
  3. Constant Monitoring Progress and Performance
  4. Performance Evaluation
  5. Providing Feedback
  6. The Performance Appraisal

More than and more companies are trying to implement the process of MBOs to their operations and other departments to improve the productivity and efficiency of their working unit because every individual plays an of import role in objectives settings so in the achievement of those measurable goals.

Like any other management tool, MBO has as well some limitations and advantages. If used effectively, MBO is a groovy tool to meliorate the overall performance of the organization.


1. What is MBO?

MBO stands for Management past Objectives, it is a management approach or technique used to gear up articulate, measurable, and attainable goals jointly by involving superior and employees in goals settings process.

2. What is the Management by objectives Steps?

Management past objectives involves vi steps that are:

  1. Determining Organizational Goals
  2. Determining Employees' Objectives
  3. Abiding Monitoring Progress and Performance
  4. Operation Evaluation
  5. Providing Feedback
  6. The Performance Appraisement

Hither the management objectives are set at the very first footstep by passing through diverse managerial activities and and then laissez passer through a communication channel to the employees.

3. What is the main purpose of MBO?

The purpose of management by objectives is to increase the productivity and efficiency of employees by setting consequence-oriented, time-bound, and achievable objectives. It means MBO's purpose is to motivate the employees rather than decision-making them. In other words, to manage by objectives.

iv. Which companies apply MBO?

Some of the companies that use MBO as their management tool are:

  1. Hewlett-Packard (HP)
  2. Intel
  3. DuPont
  4. Xerox

five. What are the MBO goals examples?

Some of the MBO goals examples include:

  1. Increasing ROI past 10% in X number of months
  2. Increment sales past fifty% in X number of months
  3. Getting more social media followers of a visitor
  4. Improving employees satisfaction index

half dozen. What is the difference between MBO and MBE?

The main difference betwixt MBO (Management past Objectives) and MBE (Direction past Exception) is that MBO is a management tool that devises the objectives that need to be chased. While the MBE comes into play when the employees deviate from the path while chasing those objectives set by MBO. MBE deals with the time and resources lost in the deviation.


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